On Sun, Aug 29, 1999 at 09:16:57PM +0200, Martin Blapp wrote:
> As I notized, a FreeBSD NFS-client does not unmount it's
> NFS-mounts during reboot. This can cause problems on the
> One could just made a quick and dirty solution as Linux has, like one line
> in rc.shutdown:
> umount -Avt nfs

As you mentioned, this could hang 'reboot', which is _completely_
unacceptable.  One of the other two solutions would be far superior.
Probably a timeout on the umount.  There must also be a way to skip
this step entirely, since sometimes machines have to be rebooted by
getting lucky with the timing of the reboot command while in a state
of resource starvation (possibly through a runaway process, etc). 

Gregory S. Sutter                  Failing sardine factory cans employees!
PGP DSS public key 0x40AE3052

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