On Sun, 29 Aug 1999, Bjoern Fischer wrote:

> Hello Doug, hello Matthew, hello list members,
> there are some hints that readdir() in -STABLE has problems when
> used on NFSv3 (UDP; and TCP probably, too) mounted file systems.
> The reason may be the recovery code for stale READDIR cookies.
> The problem occurs when using GNU rm (fileutils-4.0) on our
> systems (NFS servers and clients -STABLE) for deleting large
> directory trees (e.g. egcs source tree). rm failed to delete
> some directories:
> rm: cannot remove directory `egcs-1.1.2/gcc': Directory not empty
> I've roughly looked through the sources and found a workaround
> for a readdir() bug on SunOS 4.1.4. The SunOS readdir() sometimes
> returned NULL although there were still entries to be read when
> a directory with more than 254 entries was previously modified.
> The workaround rewound the directory stream and read it again.
> Interestingly this workaround also works for FreeBSD although
> our readdir() passes the autoconfig tests that trigger the
> workaround without a hinch.
> Attached is a patch for GNU fileutils-4.0 that will make rm
> yield when the workaround code catches a bad readdir().

Are you using a FreeBSD port for GNU fileutils? If so, your patch should
be directed to the port maintainer. I suggest that you also forward the
patch to the GNU fileutils maintainers.

Doug Rabson                             Mail:  d...@nlsystems.com
Nonlinear Systems Ltd.                  Phone: +44 181 442 9037

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