Marc Tardif wrote:
> How can I find the source to specific functions in /usr/src/sys? I tried
> running ctags (find /usr/src/sys/ -type f -print | xargs ctags -w), but it
> dumps core because it can't accept so many args. I then tried creating a
> tags file for each subdirectory like so:
> for i in /usr/src/sys/
> do
>   if test -d $i
>   then
>     cd $i
>     find ./ -type f -print | xargs ctags -w
>     cd ..
>   fi
> done
> But that didn't work either. Any suggestions to make browsing the source
> code easier?

There is glimpse in the ports tree (/usr/ports/textproc/glimpse), which
can create a very efficient index for lots of text files (like source

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