While reading through (at least trying to... I wish there was some sort of
kernel documentation available, the entry fee is very high) the aio_* calls,
I had a few questions to clear up my understanding: 

1) Do they only work on files?  The only implementation I see is in 
the VFS layer.
2) It is my understanding that it uses an aio daemon running as a kernel
thread (the aio_daemon() call kind of give that one away).  It seems as
if this can be almost entirely done in user space.  More important to what
I am trying to do, it seems as if aio_* does not give peak latency     
or throughput performace, since the aio_daemon has to compete for resources
along with all other processes.
Should aio_* be used for applications that have high performance
requirements?  What does aio_* get you above having a seperate 
thread pumping in/out data?


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