On 09/11/2010 07:13, Aryeh Friedman wrote:
> On Sat, Sep 11, 2010 at 7:07 AM, Aryeh Friedman
> <aryeh.fried...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Firstly this just sounds like a case where the admin needs to provide a
>>> equally sound and safe way of making sure everything is cleaned up on
>>> logout and is offering a global way of doing it so the developer will
>>> not forget.
>> In this case the admin and developer are the same person... namely at
>> the clients request I am the only person allowed to work on the
>> project and I just want to make it so I can't accidently do something
>> like control-d or something like that and leave a plain text version
>> of a project that has a very strict NDA laying around (liquidated
>> damages of $250k)... the scenrio is we a are a team (each one of us is
>> in diff city) of freelance CS people and all use the same server for
>> all our development to make cooperation possible when needed (not in
>> this case) have centralized backups, etc. and as mentioned on this one
>> project the client has forced me to sign a NDA saying I can't even
>> show the code to the other team members without the client's
>> permission and thus am storing the repo using security/fuse-encfs, but
>> since the version control system (devel/aegis) requires creating a
>> development directory that is not encrypted I want to force/remind
>> myself to checkin what ever I was working into the encrypted repo when
>> I go "home" (it is a home office ;-)) at night or out to lunch
> Forgot to mention all these percautions are to make the client
> comfortable with letting me take advanatage of the server's
> development enviroment instead of spending almost a week configuring
> the same env on my desktop machine... namely I trust the other team
> members to not look at the code even if it was not encrypted.

In that case would it make sense to just use tmpfs or some other
destructive file-system when it gets unmounted. Maybe one-time
encryption offered by geli(8) on a mdconfig(8) swap-file for just the
source that you checkout. Implement it using amd(8). Don't know if this
is a possible scenario but gives you a little more to consider.

Regards & good luck,


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