On Fri, Nov 5, 2010 at 11:04 PM, Garrett Cooper <gcoo...@freebsd.org> wrote:
> On Fri, Nov 5, 2010 at 10:06 PM, Warner Losh <i...@bsdimp.com> wrote:
>>>     Just to add to that (because I do find it a novel idea), 1) how
>>> are you going to properly prevent man in the middle attacks (SSL, TLS,
>>> etc?), and 2) what webserver would you use?
>> https or ssh.
>> We're also toying with the idea of having a partition that you could
>> 'dd' your certs and keys to (so any system can customize the image
>> with keys to make sure you were talking to who you think you are).
>> We'd just reserve 1MB of space on partition s3.  We'd then check to
>> see if there was a tar ball.  If so, we'd extract it and do the
>> intelligent thing with the keys we find there.
> Wouldn't it be better just to go with a read-write media solution
> (USB) like Matt Dillon was suggesting at today then? Then again,
> determining the root device to date is still a bit kludgy isn't it?
>>>     I bring up the former item because I wouldn't want my data going
>>> unencrypted across any wire, and what BSD compatible web servers did
>>> you guys have in store and who would maintain the server, and what
>>> kinds of vulnerabilities would you be introducing by adding a service
>>> which would be enabled by default at runtime?
>> The web server would just be there at installation time.  You'd run it
>> out of the ram disk and it would evaporate when the system reboots
>> after it being installed.
> Sure.
>> Also, I'm not sure we even need to have to have a set of prompts.  If
>> we do the web page right, we likely can just go directly to lynx...
> Well... I like the curl idea a lot more for this approach (esp because
> it supports more protocols than just http and ftp, whereas lynx is
> constrained to ftp and http for the most part), but having both
> solutions is more heavyweight for the task than it probably should be.

    One other thing to add. If prompts aren't necessary, the process
should be completely scripted, so I personally would probably just
take the webserver, et all out of the equation. Just seems like
unnecessary and problematic overhead requirements...
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