Matthias Andree wrote:
> Am 13.02.2011 18:15, schrieb Julian H. Stacey:
> > Hi,
> > Thanks to all respondents, I'll re-read comments in a bit,
> > I went searching for reference:
> >
> > Matthias wrote:
> >> the prototype is in line with the Single Unix Specification v4 aka IEEE
> >> Std. 1003.1-2008 (sorry no URL, I have checked my local copy, check
> >> <> you can access it free of charge after
> >> registering name and email address).
> > Thanks, but I didn't find it.
> Julian,
> Deep link sent off-list.

Thanks, so quotes for getopt.html
        int getopt(int argc, char * const argv[], const char *optstring);
but it would stll be nicer if we could read definition of C & const.  

> Well, instead of ranting,

An inadvisable epithet !

Maybe you never had the luxury of working when one could buy a slim
K&R, & it was all one needed.  Now ISO sell standards, Not all free
download.  For C I've only found enormous PDFs. Some downloads may
not be newest &/or might need logins or license or payment.
set a better example of free unobstructed hypertexted access to all
versions of eg http.conf etc.  

> you might just appreciate the difference
> between the core language and ANSI-C (1989/1990) standard library
> features, and the enhanced environment that Unix provides nearly two
> decades later... Try gcc -std=c89 -pedantic-errors on your average Unix
> software for a change... :)

Using Unix & C since '77, & '82, I 'appreciate' C is a heavily
evolved = bent language.  Const as case in point: FreeBSD getopt
seems to conflict with K&R#2 so ...

It would be nice to download a new C standard for reference.  Is
the newest definition of C free public access ? Is there a URL
newer/ better than what I posted ?  We could put a URL in man gcc
See Also, & if allowed, a copy in /usr/share/doc/

Julian Stacey, BSD Unix Linux C Sys Eng Consultants Munich
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