On Thu, Mar 3, 2011 at 11:49 AM, David Wolfskill <da...@catwhisker.org> wrote:
> I'm using a little shell script to capture selected sysctl OID
> values periodically, in an attempt to get a better idea how the
> resources of a system are being used during a long-running (usually
> measured in hours), mission-critical workload.
> In the process of testing this, I've seen some of the VFS sysctl
> OIDs (in particular) report negative values ... when the description
> looks to me as if the OID in question is intended to be a monotonically
> increasing counter.
> For example:
>> sysctl -d vfs.getnewbufcalls
> vfs.getnewbufcalls: Number of calls to getnewbuf
>> sysctl vfs.getnewbufcalls
> vfs.getnewbufcalls: -348909432
> Examining sys/kern/vfs_bio.c, the definition of vfs.getnewbufcalls
> appears to be:
> ...
> static int getnewbufcalls;
> SYSCTL_INT(_vfs, OID_AUTO, getnewbufcalls, CTLFLAG_RW, &getnewbufcalls, 0,
>   "Number of calls to getnewbuf");
> ...
> Many of the other OIDs defined nearby are also SYSCTL_INT (or
> SYSCTL_LONG), vs. SYSCTL_UINT (or SYSCTL_ULONG), and the corresponding
> variables are defined as static int (or static long) vs. static u_int
> (or static u_long).
> Is this both correct and reasonable?  If so, how should I interpret such
> negative values?
> [GSoC project, anyone?]
> Thanks!
> Peace,
> david

The following initiative may factor heavily into any decision to
change sysctl declarations at this point:


I don't pretend to fully understand the reasons or impact of this
project, but I have to imagine that at least the scope is similar to a
proposed GSoC project (probably bigger).

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