On Mar 27, 2011, at 1:31 PM, Doug Barton wrote:
> On 03/27/2011 08:38, David Wolfskill wrote:
>> So it seems to me that requirements would be:
>> * The content of /etc/localtime must provide the appropriate
>>   "zoneinfo" information, even when/usr/share/zoneinfo/* has been
>>   modified (or shortly thereafter, in concert with "make installworld").
> This is more along the lines of something that would be easy to work with in 
> mergemaster. If I can tell what file in /usr/share/zoneinfo to compare 
> /etc/localtime to (ideally with fully path), I'm happy to provide a mechanism 
> in mergemaster to make sure it stays up to date.

The best fix is to first add the ability for date(1)
to print out the current timezone name.
(E.g., "America/Los_Angeles")  Then it's trivial
for mergemaster to update /etc/localtime; just
ask date(1) for the timezone name and copy
the correct one over /etc/localtime.

Unfortunately, I think it's currently impossible
for date(1) to do this because the zoneinfo
files don't store that information.  This  is the real
reason Solaris uses a symlink; the value of the
symlink gives you the timezone name.

FWIW, mergemaster is not the only program
that would benefit from a canonical way to obtain
the name of the current timezone.



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