On Sat, Apr 16, 2011 at 04:46:53PM -0600, Warren Block wrote:
>On Sat, 16 Apr 2011, dieter...@engineer.com wrote:
>>Suggestion 2:  The kernel may not have an official flag for single
>>vs multi user mode but you can fake it.  Try something like
>>"pgrep syslogd".  If syslogd is running assume multiuser mode.  If
>>syslogd is not running assume single user mode.
>Another option: kern.hostid is set nonzero pretty early in the rc

Same as getty(8). That also will not be running in SU and in most cases
is a clear indication that nothing else is running unless you have a
remote only machine without a console in which you have purposely
disabled getty(8).


 J. Hellenthal

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