On Sat, May 14, 2011 at 9:36 PM, Mehmet Erol Sanliturk
<m.e.sanlit...@gmail.com> wrote:
> My main idea is that the present Boot-Loader Menu -- version 1.5 is a very
> good menu . Instead of destroying its elegant structure , the already
> available FreeBSD Boot Loader ( actually Kernel selection ) menu could be
> improved and may be used IF IT IS SUITABLE for the USER ( otherwise the user
> may not select it during installation ) .

I disagree entirely, the boot loader knows nothing of kernels, it only
presents the bootable drives/partitions as the BIOS sees it. Calling
the boot loader a kernel selection menu is disingenuous, since this is
simply a by-product of having different kernels on different
drives/partitions, whilst the most commonly desired kernel selection
(kernel vs kernel.old) is not available via this method.


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