On Mon, 13 Jun 2011 10:05:15 EDT Ewart Tempest <etemp...@jnpr.net>  wrote:
> I have developed some flight recording capability in the JUNOS FreeBSD 
> based kernel, with the flight recorded data being captured in binary 
> form for performance. All the subsequent formatting and display of this 
> data is performed by a user-space application. I would like to reduce 
> the amount of time that designers spend writing formatters to display 
> their flight recorded data. kgdb is perfectly capable of displaying all 
> kernel resident data structures, and  the manner in which it does so is 
> perfectly acceptable for flight recording purposes. The code that kgdb 
> uses to support this framework is difficult to break out - does anyone 
> know of a dwarf2 reader s/w implementation that is more re-usable?

In addition to lldb, there is the Path_DB debugger from
Pathscale that has a dwarf reader. Path_DB seems fairly
portable but don't know how hard it would be break out the
dwarf2 code, about 2K+ lines of C++. Open sourced under CDDL.

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