On Wed, 17 Aug 2011, Andrey V. Elsukov wrote:

On 17.08.2011 0:10, Mark Saad wrote:
root@blindness:~# glabel label rootfs ada0p4
glabel: Can't store metadata on ada0p4: Operation not permitted.

In 7.2 and prior there was a sysctl that could be tweaked to allow for
this to work , kern.geom.debugflag set to 16 would allow this to work.

So my question is this. Should there be any reason why "glabel label
name device" on the root slice cause an issue
when the slice is mounted rw ?

Is this a bug ?

No. It isn't.
When you are doing `glabel label` you overwriting last sector of given
device with glabel's metadata. So you potentially can destroy some data
in it. Using kern.geom.debugflags=16 is a bad practice. The right way is
creating label before creation of file system and installing OS.
Also you can use UFS labels (see tunefs(8)).

Or in this case, GPT labels, which are more flexible in that they can apply
to non-UFS partitions as well, such as swap. 'gpart show -l' and 'gpart
modify' ... /dev/gpt/ is where the labels show up.
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