On Monday 16 January 2012 01:21:19 Yuri wrote:
> On 01/15/2012 15:34, Dieter BSD wrote:
> > Some drivers do things like DELAY(big number) while interrupts are turned
> > off. Very bad. Look through the source, maybe you can find it.
> > 
> > We REALLY need a way to service one device without shutting off
> > interrupts from other devices.
> NVidia driver is closed source and ships with many binaries. But code
> immediately interacting with kernel is open and it does call DELAY and
> also tsleep(9)
> Yuri


I've noticed that the propritary Nvidia drivers can freeze when probing a 
second monitor for some seconds. It indicates that all code is directly 
executed from interrupt context, instead of postponed to a task queue, where 
pause() can be used.

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