(This is my earlier 'rant' about current situation, it was not
'approved' to the freebsd-hackers ML because I was not
subscribed to it (my bad), possible little too much personal
and emotional, but who we are without emotions, machines.)

This well known 'open secret' FreeBSD problem also hit me
many times, but as experience tells me, all of us would
chick-chat here a lot what can be done to make things
better and in the end ... nothing will happen.

Many of You say 'step-up' and help/do something, I am
actually or tried to do that in the past.

I submit PRs and try to help test them as some developer/commiter
will pick up the PR, submit a patch to test, but it was MANY times
that the response from developer/commiter was way too long that
I even DID NOT HAVE THE HARDWARE anymore ...

Long time ago I had a lot of fun with emulation/virtualization
using QEMU on FreeBSD, so I decided to write a FreeBSD Handbook
section that would cover what I already known and it will help a
LOT of people that would also want to use it the same or similar

Here is one of the messages that I sent by then to the mailing lists:

... and NOTHING HAPPENED, no one told me what to do next,
should I sent a SGML version or anything ... or just GTFO.

Maybe that is the reason why my HOWTO 'QEMU on FreeBSD' was
so popular before VirtualBox 'happened' on FreeBSD.

And these Handbook pages are still available on my site to this very day:

I have an issue with my Lenovo X300 laptop that the 'output jack' for
headphone did not worked as advertised, I submitted a PR, some
the developer/commiter helped me to make it work by adding some
'hacks' to /boot/loader.conf (and it worked), but IT WAS NOE FIXED,
these changes was never added to any branch, not even CURRENT,
whats the point of fixing something if it is not even commited to at
least CURRENT so it will not hit anyone anymore?

Lets talk about Ports maintainers for a while, ftp/vsftpd maintainer
for example, one of the options of this port is to provide a RC script
so one will be able to start this FTP server with /usr/local/etc/rc.d
script, but ... ITS NOT ENABLED BY DEFAULT, wtf people?

Now every person that wants to use vsftpd NORMALLY will have to
compile it instead of adding a package, so whats the need for
building all the packages if You provide such useless defaults?

Another example, net/samba*, its WELL KNOWN that samba sucks
on FreeBSD with current selected defaults for this port, the current
defaults are to DISABLE AIO support, but You only get good
performance with samba on FreeBSD when the AIO is enabled, so
another bunch of useless prebuilt packages, You need to compile
anyway. Its options for FreeBSD, not every other OS on the world,
so why not enable it? FreeBSD Ports are not PKGSRC where many
systems are supported, if some option is 'good for default' why
keep it disabled?

What I have done about these 'Ports issues'? I contacted these
ports maintainers and said that both RC script and AIO support for
samba should be enabled by default by linking to several threads
at FreeBSD Forums that the problem is known and exists ... and I
did not get ANY RESPONSE till this very day, not even a GTFO
(which would probably be better then nothing).

I got these maintainers email addresses from http://freshports.org
page, are they up-to-date there? Maybe that is the problem and
that my mails jest went to /dev/null ... Just checking for sure.

Its not that people does not try to help, a lot tried (and I am still
trying), but its VERY unpleasant to have awareness, that You
dedicated your time, tried to help as much as possible, made
some steps to achieve that ... and no one even cares about that.

At least some should say 'You are doing it wrong' try this and
that, understand that, that is the way it works etc.

Just my $0.02 on that well known FreeBSD problem and 'crisis'.

With kind regards,
freebsd-hackers@freebsd.org mailing list
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