We're writing to remind that the deadline for the 4th USENIX Workshop on
the Theory and Practice of Provenance (TaPP '12) is approaching. Please
submit your work by Saturday, March 31, 2012, at 5:00 p.m. EDT.

The Program Committee seeks short papers and vision papers describing
challenges for provenance research, brief descriptions of new
applications, proposals for mini-tutorials, pie-in-the sky research
ideas, and anything that will create a successful workshop.

TaPP '12 will bring together researchers and practitioners doing
innovative work in the area of provenance. With the deluge of digital
data we are currently experiencing, it has become increasingly important
to capture and understand the origins and derivation of data--its
provenance. Provenance provides important documentation that is an
essential part of the quality of data, and it is essential to the trust
we put in, for example, the data we find on the Web and the data that is
derived from scientific experiments.

The workshop may cover any topic related to theoretical or practical
aspects of provenance, including but not limited to: provenance in
databases, workflows, programming languages, security, software
engineering, or systems; provenance on the Web; real-world applications
of or requirements for provenance.

Please adhere to these guidelines on how and what to submit:
* Submissions should be self-contained and no more than 4 pages.
* If supporting material is needed, an extra 4 pages may be submitted,
but the committee will not be obliged to read them.
* All submissions should clearly indicate whether they are intended for
inclusion in the proceedings.

More information and submission guidelines are available at

We look forward to receiving your submissions!


Umut A. Acar, Max Planck Institute for Software Systems
Todd J. Green, University of California, Davis, and LogicBlox
TaPP '12 Program Co-Chairs

TaPP '12 Call for Papers
4th USENIX Workshop on the Theory and Practice of Provenance (TaPP '12)
June 14-15, 2012, Boston, MA 
Submission deadline: March 31, 2012, 5:00 p.m. EDT
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