On Thu, Nov 02, 2000 at 03:35:41PM +0000, Terry Lambert scribbled:
| > > BTW, we didn't fare very well at all in the top *average*
| > > uptimes. Sun OTOH, did. Bugger.
| >
| > IMO, this can be plausibly explained by the availability of updated
| > code for the two platforms. With Sun they release patches relatively
| > infrequently, kernel patches less frequently still..OTOH FreeBSD
| > "releases patches" many times each day, encouraging the admin to
| > upgrade frequently to scratch the itch of being "up to date".
| This is an artifact of FreeBSD kernel modularity not being
| what it should be, rather than the (in)frequency of patches,
| one way or another.
| I personally think I should be able to "hot swap" any kernel
| subsystem, including the VM code, without rebooting my machine.

As I understand, has there not been a plan to do a similiar thing
in the future since FreeBSDCon1999?

| http://peorth.iteration.net/~keichii | Yes, BSD is a conspiracy. |

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