On Thu, Nov 02, 2000 at 01:46:14PM -0500, Garance A Drosihn wrote:
> At 3:08 PM +0000 11/2/00, Terry Lambert wrote:
> >3.   Automatically delete all MIME parts with:
> >
> >             Content-Type: application/*
> >
> >     Which are ever sent via the list software.
> This seems like a mighty good idea to me...  Is there any
> reason we would ever expect an application sent in these
> mailing lists?  How easy would this be to implement?

It's possible (if unlikely) that someone could have zipped up
kernel config and dmesg output and attached them to an email in
a request for assistance. The MIME type could be one of


and it might be undesirable to eat them.


Keith Jones
E-Business Service Introduction, GBIT-E (Bristol)
T: [+44 117] 312-7602

I don't speak for Hewlett-Packard.

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