On Sat, Jun 9, 2012 at 12:23 AM, Wojciech Puchar
<woj...@wojtek.tensor.gdynia.pl> wrote:
>> input.
>> Moreover, ifconfig em0 some_valid_fqdn/MASK silently ignores it, so you
>> can't set valid CIDR address using this notation.
>> Classful era has ended more than 10 years ago, do we still want to keep
>> this behavior?
> were not aware of that option, and it is rather stupid option - you should
> work on addresses not names when configuring network

    I agree that it's not the best configuration in the world, as it
would only work 100% if a machine had proper DNS records or a
definitive hosts file.
    There are already enough bugs with static IP configurations and
hostnames as-is *I'm looking at you mountlate* -- no sense to
introduce more potentially buggy interoperability that only works in a
handful of niche cases.
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