On 07/05/12 02:03, Doug Barton wrote:
On 07/05/2012 01:28, Peter Jeremy wrote:
On 2012-Jul-05 09:22:25 +0200, Jonathan McKeown
<j.mcke...@ru.ac.za> wrote:
As for the idea that Linux refugees need extra help to migrate,
that's the sort of thinking that led to things like:

alias dir=ls

Whilst we're on the subject, can we please also have #define BEGIN
{ #define END } wired into gcc to help people migrating from Algol
and Pascal.

Um, this kind of elitist crap really isn't helpful.

If the new feature gets created, and you don't want to use it, turn it
off. No problem.

I appreciate the people who've spoken up as to why they wouldn't want
to use it, but I haven't seen anything yet that says "having this
feature is a universally bad idea."

Why not create a command wtf(1)?

When you type it, it detects the shell you are using, looks at the last command you typed, and provides all sorts of arbitrarily verbose and usable documentation and suggestions as to what that command might have done, what the verbatim command will do, and where you can find more information.

So a very brief example command flow might be:

  # lsof -p 8646
  lsof: command not found
  # wtf
  I see you just tried to use the command 'lsof'. This command
  is not installed. If you want this command, there is a port for that
  which you can install by doing this (as root):
     cd /usr/ports/sysutils/lsof
     make install

  Alternatively you can type
     man fstat
  for the FreeBSD native equivalent for this functionality.

  Commands which are similar include:

  For more information on this wtf entry, or to suggest changes
  see this link:


  If you want to speak to a human who might know, try this mailing

I think this might appeal to both camps, and allows people the sublime pleasure of telling new users to type 'wtf' if they have an issue with a command.

I'm not married to the name or even the idea. But I'd like to see someone explain why this isn't a valid solution to both sides. :D
Dave Hayes - Consultant - Altadena CA, USA - d...@jetcafe.org
>>>> *The opinions expressed above are entirely my own* <<<<

A solved problem is as useful to the mind
as a broken sword on a battlefield.
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