FWIW - there's lots of statistics and some dtrace scripts + output here.

So for those knowlegable in this area, this forum thread is well worth
your time.


On 21 August 2012 07:42, Remme <adscomp...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi All,
> Please help to solve a kernel memory leak problem.
> After few weeks searching forums and googling any help is welcome.
> Here is the problem description:
> We are installed the latest 9.0 FreeBSD with all recent patches.
> Ports tree is also up to date.
> Host running a nginx, php-fpm, memcached, mysqld, sphinxsearch.
> Two WD HDD is gmirrored (each partition).
> Also we are using a small ssd for nginx cache and mysql databases.
> 8 GB RAM.
> We have always growing active memory till kernel panic.
> (it's takes about 2 weeks till memory leak kills host)
> According to top - active memory is always growing but sum of all processes
> memory is stable about 3.5 Gb.
> So looks like kernel slowly eating all our memory
> Please visit
> http://forums.freebsd.org/showthread.php?t=34023
> to get datailed information about this problem.
> Thank you,
> Remme.
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