On 8/29/12 12:07 PM, Daniel Braniss wrote:
>> This is an OpenPGP/MIME signed message (RFC 2440 and 3156)
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>> On 8/28/12 3:14 PM, Andy Young wrote:
>>> I am relatively new to using IO monitoring tools and wanted to confirm =
>> I
>>> understand them correctly. If I specify an interval of 5 seconds, my
>>> assumption is that the data displayed is an average over that 5 second
>>> interval. Is that correct or am I misunderstanding how intervals work?
>>> =20
>> Yes, you are right.  For more information you can read devstat(3) or
>> sources in src/lib/libdevstat/devstat.c.
> netstat does not!

And you are right, but the question was about gstat(8) and iostat(8).
They print units per second, unlike netstat(1), it prints only units
without "per".

Andrey Zonov

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