good for today and future ladmins that cannot type a command.

Any USEFUL proposals that add some real functionality?

On Fri, 3 May 2013, Justin Edward Muniz wrote:

Thank you everyone for helping me create a suitable project to propose. I
have submitted a draft of my proposal, though I am still in the process of
enhancing it. If anyone has the time, please check it out and I'll gladly
accept any feedback.

I am new to Google Summer of Code, and just discovered I could update my
proposal after submitting it. Initially I uploaded most of the proposal but
I am still finishing the last parts. Any advice could help me (or others)
develop future proposals, so I hope to hear from people even after the

My proposal can be read at the following address:

I appreciate you taking the time to read this email. Happy coding everyone.

Justin Muniz
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