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Date: Thu, 16 Nov 2000 17:20:11 -0800 (PST)
To: Stanley Hopcroft <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: ntop, worlds greatest network monitor, no go on FreeBSD

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On Thu, 16 Nov 2000, Stanley Hopcroft wrote:

->Dear Ladies and Gentlemen,
->I am writing to ask for someone to provide advice to the ntop project
->(http://www.ntop.org) on porting to FreeBSD.
->There are a number of problems with ntop (1.3.2 26th October) on
->FreeBSD (eg Mr Petri's letter of a few weeks ago) among them that when
->it's built with pthread support (-pthread), it uses all of the CPU
->(built without pthread support, it behaves). 
->The problems are manifested on FreeBSD 4.x.
->ntop is able to use threads on many other platforms.
->ntop is a wonderful monitor. If you have ever wanted RMON2 like ability
->in software with a browser interface, ntop is for you.
->There is a port of ntop (for 1.1) but it displays the same CPU hogging
->behaviour as the later version. 
->There has been no response from the ntop FreeBSD port mailing list. 
->Thank you.
->Yours sincerely,
->S Hopcroft
->Network Specialist
->IP Australia
->+61 2 6283 3189
->+61 2 6281 1353 FAX
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