I want to encrypt some disk on my server with Zfs encryption property but it is 
not available.

Are there anybody have got an experience about this?


These are good explanations but I got an error and output shows all property;

[root@HP ~]# zpool status
  pool: output
 state: ONLINE
  scan: none requested

        NAME        STATE     READ WRITE CKSUM
        output      ONLINE       0     0     0
          ad0s1e    ONLINE       0     0     0

errors: No known data errors
[root@HP ~]# zfs create -o encryption=on output/home
cannot create 'output/home': invalid property 'encryption'
[root@HP ~]# zfs get encryption
bad property list: invalid property 'encryption'
        get [-rHp] [-d max] [-o "all" | field[,...]] [-t type[,...]] [-s 
            <"all" | property[,...]> [filesystem|volume|snapshot] ...

The following properties are supported:


        available        NO       NO   <size>
        clones           NO       NO   <dataset>[,...]
        compressratio    NO       NO   <1.00x or higher if compressed>
        creation         NO       NO   <date>
        defer_destroy    NO       NO   yes | no
        mounted          NO       NO   yes | no
        origin           NO       NO   <snapshot>
        refcompressratio  NO       NO   <1.00x or higher if compressed>
        referenced       NO       NO   <size>
        type             NO       NO   filesystem | volume | snapshot
        used             NO       NO   <size>
        usedbychildren   NO       NO   <size>
        usedbydataset    NO       NO   <size>
        usedbyrefreservation  NO       NO   <size>
        usedbysnapshots  NO       NO   <size>
        userrefs         NO       NO   <count>
        written          NO       NO   <size>
        aclinherit      YES      YES   discard | noallow | restricted | 
passthrough | passthrough-x
        aclmode         YES      YES   discard | groupmask | passthrough | 
        atime           YES      YES   on | off
        canmount        YES       NO   on | off | noauto
        casesensitivity  NO      YES   sensitive | insensitive | mixed
        checksum        YES      YES   on | off | fletcher2 | fletcher4 | sha256
        compression     YES      YES   on | off | lzjb | gzip | gzip-[1-9] | zle
        copies          YES      YES   1 | 2 | 3
        dedup           YES      YES   on | off | verify | sha256[,verify]
        devices         YES      YES   on | off
        exec            YES      YES   on | off
        jailed          YES      YES   on | off
        logbias         YES      YES   latency | throughput
        mlslabel        YES      YES   <sensitivity label>
        mountpoint      YES      YES   <path> | legacy | none
        nbmand          YES      YES   on | off
        normalization    NO      YES   none | formC | formD | formKC | formKD
        primarycache    YES      YES   all | none | metadata
        quota           YES       NO   <size> | none
        readonly        YES      YES   on | off
        recordsize      YES      YES   512 to 128k, power of 2
        refquota        YES       NO   <size> | none
        refreservation  YES       NO   <size> | none
        reservation     YES       NO   <size> | none
        secondarycache  YES      YES   all | none | metadata
        setuid          YES      YES   on | off
        sharenfs        YES      YES   on | off | share(1M) options
        sharesmb        YES      YES   on | off | sharemgr(1M) options
        snapdir         YES      YES   hidden | visible
        sync            YES      YES   standard | always | disabled
        utf8only         NO      YES   on | off
        version         YES       NO   1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | current
        volblocksize     NO      YES   512 to 128k, power of 2
        volsize         YES       NO   <size>
        vscan           YES      YES   on | off
        xattr           YES      YES   on | off
        userused@...     NO       NO   <size>
        groupused@...    NO       NO   <size>
        userquota@...   YES       NO   <size> | none
        groupquota@...  YES       NO   <size> | none
        written@<snap>   NO       NO   <size>

Sizes are specified in bytes with standard units such as K, M, G, etc.

User-defined properties can be specified by using a name containing a colon (:).

The {user|group}{used|quota}@ properties must be appended with
a user or group specifier of one of these forms:
    POSIX name      (eg: "matt")
    POSIX id        (eg: "126829")
    SMB name@domain (eg: "matt@sun")
    SMB SID         (eg: "S-1-234-567-89")
[root@HP ~]# 

How can I use or add encryption property to FreeBsd 8.3?
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