When you look at the fclose()/ferror() problem you have to look at it
    in its historical context.

    Historically some versions of UNIX had very odd semantics.  For example,
    many programmers depended on free()'d data being left intact at least
    until the next free().  It was even documented to have that behavior at
    one time (though I forget where, this was a long time ago).

    Similarly, close() didn't always return an integer... it used to be a
    void function on many systems, or return garbage (i.e. be mis-implemented)
    and thus undependable.  And fclose() also used to be a void function
    on many systems or have an undependable return value. 

    Enough confusion occured from these differences that some programmers 
    often took liberties way back then that are obivously illegal today..
    for example, calling ferror() after fclose() (because fclose() didn't
    used to return the final flush status), rather then using the more 
    portable fflush/ferror/fclose combination.  Another example is 
    freopen()ing an fclose()'d file, especially in regards to stdin, stdout,
    and stderr.

    This confusion is further exasperated by shortcuts taken inside libc
    itself... for example, libc declares stdin, stdout and stderr as static
    structures and the exit code just assumes those pointers point to
    good memory, even if the streams have been closed.  Many programmers use
    library code as a basis for learning the APIs and mistakenly come to
    believe that they can make similar assumptions externally that the 
    library makes internally.

    In today's world the standard is:  When you free() something, that's it..
    it's gone.  When you fclose() something or otherwise terminate a
    structure, it's gone.  Anything else is illegal.  *internally* our libc
    assumes that ferror() is legal after an fclose() because, well, it's
    true... but only for internal library functions.  Nobody outside the
    library can legally make that assumption and it could also be argued 
    that even within the library those types of assumptions should not be
    made unless absolutely necessary.

    There isn't much we can do about the issue except fix the instances
    of mis-programming as they show up.


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