On 18 Dec 2000, at 11:22, Joseph Scott wrote:

> On Sun, 17 Dec 2000, Dan Langille wrote:
> # Which list would be more appropriate for asking advice on designing a
> # mail processing strategy for FreshPorts 2 (i.e. processing all of
> # cvs-all, not just the ports)?
> # 
> # I'm looking for recommendations and guidance on how to capture the 
> # incoming messages and process them one at a time.  As opposed to 
> # starting a separate perl script for each message (which is the the 
> # existing strategy and is usually fine, except when large numbers of
> # messages turn up in a short period of time).
>  If you don't want to process a message the instant it comes in
> (via feeding it to a perl script or what ever) you'll need to setup some
> sort of queue, then have a cron job come through and process the queue.

Thanks. Since posting my original message, the proposed design has 
drifted to this strategy (which I posted to the FreshPorts develop list last 

On Mon, 18 Dec 2000, Dan Langille wrote:

> ok folks, brain pick time: I'm thinking about redoing the FreshPorts 
> mail-database interface.  At present, each incoming email from cvs-all 
> initiates a separate perl script.  Not nice if you get say 100 emails all
> in 1 minute for some reason.  Now I'm thinking of using procmail to
> dump each email to a separate file on disk.  Then processing each
> file thus freeing up the MTA ASAP.  Sound good so far?
> Suggestions?  Ideas?

As for processing the files once they are on disk, I like the idea of 
processing the messages ASAP.  Therefore, I'd like to have a daemon / 
script sitting there running all the time.  This process is notified when a 
new message arrives (in the above case, that would be part of the 
procmail delivery process).  This process would then "wake up" and 
process all available message files one at a time.  Perhaps moving each 
processed file to an archive.  When there are no more message files, it 
would stop and wait to be notified again.

>  If the problem is load then another approach would be to heavily
> nice(1) the perl script the is launched when a commit mail comes in.  

That's already done.  It's just the volume which can occur.  If a large 
number of messages arrive at once.  Starting up 50 perl jobs on the box 
can stress it a bit.  It also makes better sense to process the 
messages in the order in which they arrive rather than concurrently.  A 
side effect will be less change of database lockouts or conflicts during 


Dan Langille
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