On Mon, 18 Dec 2000, Mike Smith wrote:

> > Speaking of video operations... does anybody know where I can find
> > some decent VGA programming documentation?  (Or, if possible, someone
> > who knows a few obscure details.)

A lot of old VGA card manuals had the basic programming instructions, using
INT 10h calls. By old, I mean ISA cards with less than 1Meg of RAM. Also check
out Raplh Brown's Interrupt list at:

It's got just about everything you could ever want to know about what Int 10h
functions exist, and how to use them. 

> > I specifically need to know, if possible, how to display hardware-
> > rendered character- and software-rendered pixel-based images on the
> > same display at the same time.
> Standard VGA does not offer this functionality; your current approach is 
> the only way to go.

I've done this before (back when my 386-25 was new). Int 10h func 09h will
draw characters from the VGA ROM in a simple graphics mode (ie 13h, 320x200
8bit colour unbanked). Past that, I just wrote my own font renderer. In 3
years of assembly-level VGA programming I learned quite a few "obscure
details" :)

If you're trying this on recent hardware, I'd pretty much echo what Mike Smith
said. You either BITBLT characters into your framebuffer, or use a font
renderer (ala freetype).

Jon Simola <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> | "In the near future - corporate networks
    Systems Administrator     |  reach out to the stars, electrons and light 
     ABC  Communications      |  flow throughout the universe." -- GITS

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