[This really belongs on -questions]

Mike Nowlin wrote:
>I'm looking for a technical answer to this one - I have a good background
>in electronics, but never really spent much time on the i386 architecture.

>One of my clients has an interface card (StarLAN, ISA) that controls an
>embroidery machine (by Melco - www.melco.com).  I just replaced his old
>Pentium 75 with a Duron 700 machine.  At first try, the card wasn't
>seen.  After lots of goofing around with it, I found that turning off the
>L1 cache (slowing the machine down to a crawl) made the card start working
>again.  However, the system's so slow (think "286 running Win98") that
>this solution is unacceptable.

>Conclusion: the card is poorly designed, and can't handle the bus speeds
>of modern systems.

The ISA bus shouldn't be running any faster in the Duron 700 than it
did in the Pentium 75.

Something is setting up the shared memory area for the StarLAN card
as cacheable.

I would suggest taking a look at the BIOS settings on the new machine
and the configuration of the StarLAN card to check that it's shared
memory area isn't shadowed to RAM.


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