On Wed, Dec 27, 2000 at 08:49:51PM +1300, Dan Langille wrote:
> FreshPorts2 will have a new processing strategy for incoming 
> messages.  Each message will be in a separate file in a predetermined 
> directory. As each file arrives, it is processed by a perl script.  I want 
> only one instance of that perl script running at a given time.  This is 
> primarily for serialization and to ensure the system doesn't get bogged 
> down running perl scripts if many messages arrive in a short period of 
> time.
> My idea is to have a daemon, or something resembling one, sitting on 
> the box watching the directory.  When a new file appears, it starts a perl 
> script.  This perl script is beyound the scope of my question, but it  
> processes all the files in the directory.  When finished, it looks for any 
> more files and repeats as necessary.  If no more files, it exits.
> If a file arrives, the daemon checks to see if the perl script is already 
> running.  If so, it doesn't start another one.
> Any ideas on how to do this?  Any suggestions on the process?

I would do that (and have done it in several projects) using opendir()
and readdir().  Open the directory, read entry by entry, when you find
a file you want, process it and unlink() it.  Get to the end of the dir,
sleep, repeat.

Beware of a subtle problem here though - see that you do not have
the process which creates files creating them in that directory; you
might very well wind up with a file being processed before it's fully
created.  There are two solutions to this problem - either DJB's
Maildir style, or processing files based on filenames.

DJB's Maildir concept is based on having two directories - a temporary
one where files are created and then atomically move/rename'd to
the real one.  This works best when the tempdir and the real dir are
located on the same filesystem, and you can use the rename() syscall.
However, there is a solution if you want the temporary dir on another
filesystem - there is a safecat program, which I shall shortly commit
a port for (it's been sitting in my to-do tree for several weeks now).

The other way is create the files in the same directory, but with
a different name style, e.g. ending in .tmp; then when you readdir()
an entry, only process those not ending in .tmp, or only process those
ending in .xml, or something like that.  This might be a bit easier
to implement.


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