SSH - are you nuts!?!
                        by Jesus Monroy, Jr.

I'm too tired to get this out, but i promised it would
be available, so here it is.

The Offical Part
On Jan. 4, 2001, a talk entitled "ssh - are you nuts!?!"
will be given at the SVBUG (Silicon Valley BSD User Group)
monthly meeting by Club President Jesse Monroy, Jr.
Details available at:

My part
Today at 7:45pm (local time) this talk will start.
People say I'm nuts, sometimes I think they are
right. Currently, I've heard hundreds of points
of views, read dozens of papers, and comtemplated
solutions with vicious circles. Two days before
Christmas I related this to my brother-in-law,
a Havard/Yale/Cambridge MBA. His response was,
"Builds character."; hmm.. Thanks.

Other club presidents ask me, "Are you serious
about this?" My business partner expressed, just 
after Christmas, "Is this worth it?"  I'll admit, 
at times, this whole thing has been a bit crazy.

So as I've said today at 7:45pm local time, here
in Silicon Valley, I will be speaking. 
The title is "SSH - are you nuts!?!"

What do I mean by this? Well to get exactly what
I mean you may:

1) Come to the talk. Details are available at:
2) See my notes after the talk - posted to:
3) Or see the event with on-line video
   when it's available later this year.

For those you you interested, below are selected points from my talk.
-What I won't  be saying
        -SSH is evil.
        -SSH is useless.
        -SSH is a bad idea.
        -Authentication/Encryption is a hoax or does not work.
        -Public Key Encryption does not work. (I have no proof.)
        -I can break Public Key Encryption. (At least, not now.)
        -I USE SSH. (1 or 2)
        -I never intend to use SSH.
        -My systems have never been compromised.
-My frame of reference
-What I will be saying
        -Voice my personal complaints
        -Expose encryption/security myths
        -Investigate the technical specs/issues
        -Investigage Technical, Social, Economic, Financial Problems
        -Investigate attackers and attacks
        -Tell you where to get SSH
        -Showing alternatives
-Why I'm doing this
-My Personal Complaints
-What people have to say
-SSHv1 vs. SSHv2
-SSHv2 Features
-The SSH Specs (the problems within)
-Authentication/Encryption - Two methods to argue
        -can never be broken
        -can always be broken
-SSH(v2) Faults
        -New Technical problems it creates
        -Technical Problems outside of SSH control
        -There are common misconceptions about it's functionality
        -Social Problems
        -Economic Problems
        -Financial Problems
        -Still Subject to ...
-Who wants your data
-What is the Man-In-The-Middle
-Your Governments Involvement
-What SSH programs there are
-What alternatives you have
        -Start with a Strategem
        -Technical Prevention
        -Technical Counter Measures
-Last words

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