Alfred Perlstein writes:

> So in Linux, if you have a "a+" file, you can
> 1) seek somewhere (mid file)
> 2) read some data (not until EOF)
> 3) after the read you are at EOF again?
> this doesn't sound really intuative.

No, it doesn't sound intuitive; luckily, that isn't what happens;)
The issue concerns where the position is after a write (and where ftell
reports it as being).

Under glibc on Linux, you can:
1) fseek somewhere (non-EOF)
2) fwrite some data
3) after the *write*, you are at EOF again (ftell reports this, and any
attempted fread, at this point, will hit EOF. any fseek, after a write,
using SEEK_CUR will seek relative to EOF, also)

I guess that the idea is, `bytes are read/written starting at the current
position in the file', and, in order to do this in a system which always
writes after EOF in append-mode, the current position must be changed
before writing....

my findings, under FreeBSD 4.2-STABLE, are
1) fseek somewhere (non-EOF, say 4 in a 50-byte-long file)
2) fwrite some data (say 3 bytes)
3) after the fwrite, ftell will report N + the last value pass'd to fseek
(using our example numbers: 7), and fseek with SEEK_CUR will seek relative
to that point, but fread will immediately hit EOF, and a ftell (or feof)
after an attempted read will indicate that the position *is* EOF.

Chris' findings (I believe) are that, under FreeBSD 4.2-STABLE, if you use
fread before fwrite (say, step `1.1'), it acts just like it does with

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