On Mon, Jan 15, 2001 at 07:53:42PM +0900, Daniel C. Sobral wrote:
> Bob Willcox wrote:
> > 
> > Well, ob-bs didn't work either.  I went to the referenced site for
> > XOSL and it certainly looked interesting...but was way more than I was
> > looking for at this time (I was happy with the default FreeBSD installed
> > boot manager before W98 trashed it and I certainly didn't want to create
> > partion for it...which seemed to be required).  On the XOSL web site I
> > found a refernence to the "Ranish Partition Manager" which I wound up
> > installing and it worked for me.  :-)
> FreeBSD boot manager is probably installable by boot0cfg.

Ah Ha!  That does look like it.  I'll have to give it a try.  I prefer
the standard FreeBSD boot manager as it displays the partition type for
the user to see and defaults to boot the last partition booted (really
handy with Windoze...as you get to do it so often).


> -- 
> Daniel C. Sobral                      (8-DCS)
>               "There is no spoon." -- Kiki

Bob Willcox              There's a long-standing bug relating to the x86
[EMAIL PROTECTED]             architecture that allows you to install Windows.
Austin, TX                         -- Matthew D. Fuller

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