Sergey Babkin wrote:

> It still can be backed out.

Well, what are you waiting for?  Back it out.  Listen to what
people are saying and then maybe propose something that takes
into account their concerns.

To make this point a little more clearly -- the fact that Matt
Dillon, who is no fool, and you have wildly divergent ideas on
the appropriate/correct method to determine when to do things is
further evidence (as if any were needed) that this is not a
trivial thing to get right.  First, people have to agree on what
is right and we're not there yet.

Please take note of what people are saying, stop the silly
protests about your failure to be convinced by other people's
arguments, and recognise that you don't have a special line to
the One True Way.

Finally, in reference to the confusion over POLA, get something
straight:  the people we must take most care not to astonish are
current users of FreeBSD; after them, we can consider users who
are migrating from other Unix variants.  The fact that others
may do things differently is not, of itself, an argument to take
a wild jump into the darkness here.

The continued, predictable, behaviour of cron is important to
users and cannot be just played about with at your whim, and
this is especially true when you don't even have support for the
so-called solution you have proposed.

Back it out.  Do it now.

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