>> I guess they changed their 
>> policy on the part. I've tested the linux driver with the new part on the 
>> supermicro board and it works, so the driver is reasonably up to date.
>The source-available Intel driver does actually look pretty good.  I 
>don't know why David has failed to track it wrt. PHY numbers.  I've 
>dumped the last board I had with an unrecognised PHY, so I don't have any 
>incentive to poke him about it anymore.

   Primarily for two reasons: 1) I didn't know that Intel had released Linux
driver source, and 2) I don't have any boards that don't work correctly.
   I'll look into the Linux driver, however, and see if it has anything
useful in it. Historically the Linux Pro/100+ driver has totally sucked and
was chalk-full of magic numbers being anded and ored.


David Greenman
Co-founder, The FreeBSD Project - http://www.freebsd.org
President, TeraSolutions, Inc. - http://www.terasolutions.com
Pave the road of life with opportunities.

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