Try dd:

dd if=infile of=outfile conf=ascii

On 31-Jan-2001 Garance A Drosihn wrote:
> At 1:33 PM -0800 1/29/01, Josef Grosch wrote:
>>Does anybody know of an EBCDIC to ASCII converter? I thought
>>that at one time FreeBSD had one of these.
> Note there are multiple ideas of what it means to be EBCDIC.
> Alphanumerics stay the same between them, of course, but a
> few of the special characters (braces, brackets, accent-grave)
> move around.
> I'm pretty sure there are some programs in the ports
> collection which can deal with these.

Dan Bongert                     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
SSCC Unix System Administrator  (608) 262-9857

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