> Hi,
>   "top" always puts CPU idle time in last, but I think in CPU states,
> idle is most important field, could anyone move idle field to first.

It all depends on your focus.

Someone using FreeBSD as a terminal or fax server with a whole bunch of
serial devices might want "interrupt" first.  Someone running an Apache /
mod_perl / DBI machine might want "system" first.  Someone running a server
as a development / shell box might want "user" first.  And someone running
rc5 really doesn't care about idle or nice (since on my 3 boxes idle is
usually 0.0% and nice is around 90%, which of course skews the "true" load
of the system.)

Furthermore, anyone using 'top -d' in a shell script to grab and report CPU
usage data would have to change their scripts.

With this in mind, I doubt a compelling reason can be formulated to make
*any* field first, so it would be best to leave it the way it is.

Matt Emmerton

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