In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Farooq Mela writes:
>Of course I realize that allocating memory can fail. That is why I use
>xmalloc and friends - so that I can avoid having to check for failure
>each time I want to allocate memory.

That's the problem.  You still *NEED* to check.  You can't just exit; you
have to figure out what you have open, and close it.  You have to figure
out what files you may have been halfway through writing, and make sure that
you aren't about to leave a critical file half-written, with the only copy
of the rest of the data somewhere in memory.

It is very, very, rarely correct to say "oops, no memory, I will quit
immediately without saving any work".

Imagine a word processor with this behavior.  No attempt to save your
file, no nothing, it just suddenly closes all windows and dies.

There are very few programs where it is acceptable to abort just because
you ran out of memory.

>I don't believe you understand what
>I am proposing.

I do, lots of programs do it.  It's a bad idea.  You really still do have
to check, because in almost all cases, there will be stuff you should do
on your way down, beyond just "exit".

>It will still have to check for the allocation failing. But if this were
>to be done, an application which installs its own allocators will not
>have to worry about anything inside libc running out of memory, and will
>not have to handle that error condition.

Of course it will!  It can't guarantee that the memory is available, and
it can't guarantee that it cleans up properly, because "proper cleanup" may
vary from one place to another.

>Furthermore, inside the
>user-defined allocator (xmalloc etc), other types of cleanup can be
>handled if the real malloc() returns NULL. (Atexit can only do so much.)

Exactly.  Atexit *can't do enough*.

Each individual place where you do something that *could* fail must be
checked, and the failure handled correctly *for that place*.

You can't short-cut this; if you do, your code will inevitably fail in
the most inconvenient possible way, because computers are ornery.

Yes, it's a lot of work checking for every single error that could occur,
and handling it in a graceful fashion.  However, it is *MUCH* better
for, say, gethostbyname to set errno to ENOMEM and return a null pointer,
than for gethostbyname to ritually suicide the entire program.

The allocator which spews an error and dies is almost always an incorrect
allocator.  There may be counterexamples, but they're rare, and since all
of the relevant library functions can probably fail *FOR OTHER REASONS*,
you still have to check all the return values and handle them yourself.

Even if you can prove that getaddrinfo can never fail because malloc failed,
it can still fail for other reasons.  You still have to check for it failing.
"Fixing" the allocator doesn't remove the need to check the return of every
function that can fail.


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