Chris Shenton wrote:
> In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Wes Peters writes:
> > We have several NIC's around here (the New Internet Computer, see
> > for details) and will be adding a couple of these
> > so we can boot FreeBSD or NetBSD on them in the next little while.  A NIC
> > running FreeBSD on a silent CF disk strikes me as an ideal bedroom computer;
> > you can leave it on all the time and just let the screen sleep when you're
> > not using it.
> Been thinking seriously about buying a couple of these; hard to beat
> the $200 price point. Chat on one of the NIC lists indicates they had
> two fans and will now ship with three fans; this seems like it will
> make it rather noisey -- especially since they're diskless and should
> be quiet.

They are quiet.  I didn't notice any fans in the ones we disassembled at
work.  The Geode processor runs QUITE hot, though.  They make good hand-
warmers when it's snowing outside.

> Since I prefer FreeBSD to Linux, I'd rather run BSD than the Linux on
> the CD it runs from.  Is it possible to create an ISO of a bootable
> and runnable FreeBSD? What happens with stuff like /tmp and /var/log?

You wouldn't want it; performance running off the CD-ROM is terrible.
Get a 2.5" hard drive and stick it to the case top with double-sticky

> Failing this, I'd probably net-boot the NICs off a bigger FreeBSD
> machine, and NFS mount /home dirs and /usr/local type of software.

That would probably give you better performance than the CD-ROM.  The
NIC has a small flash disk in it as well; you could probably put the
boot loader and enough /boot filesystem on that to autoboot.

> That way when I built a tool or package it would be available to any
> of the FreeBSD boxes in the house. Seems like a great bang/buck
> ratio. Any comments on this approach?

Sounds good to me.  Maybe I should setup a netboot server at work and
have a hack at it.  We've got a couple of IDE->CompactFlash adapters
I could play with without scrogging the NIC-standard flash device.

            "Where am I, and what am I doing in this handbasket?"

Wes Peters                                                         Softweyr LLC
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                                 

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