Hi all!
It seems to me that you guys are my last hope, but if  i am asking in the
wrong place - sorry.

I wrote my first asm program for FreeBSD:

section    .code
global _start
    push dword envp
    push dword argvp
    push dword fname
    mov eax,59  ; execve
    int 80h
    hlt   ; i should never get here

section .data
fname db '/bin/sh',0
envp dd 0
argvp dd 0
;End of program

after compiling and linking i run it and got SIGBUS error
when run under gdb i can see that int 80h returns with eax=2 (ENOENT? does
it mean file not found?)

I have a feeling that i have missed something very important.

Thank you.
NKritsky - SysAdmin InternetHelp.Ru

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