On Mon, Apr 02, 2001 at 02:03:37PM +0400, Dmitry Samersoff wrote:
> My servers had died every 12h and I spend lots of time to solve problem,
> I hope the result of my work is interesting for community.
> The main reason of server fault is overloading of dynamic routing table
> (netstat -nra | grep W3)
> Another point -  the same software running on non-Intel server 
> (no-name PC with AHA SCSI and DEC net card) works without problems.
> I.
> Behavior of dynamic routing table controlled by sysctl variables:
>  net.inet.ip.rtexpire
>  net.inet.ip.rtminexpire
>  net.inet.ip.rtmaxcache
> IMHO, default values of this variables should be changed to make heavy
> loaded
> servers more reliable or at least it should be documented.

I believe the reason those are sysctl's, instead of hard-wired kernel
values, is that they be made tweakable (/etc/sysctl.conf comes to mind).
As to documentation, yeah, that's a common problem for all the sysctl's :(


Do you think anybody has ever had *precisely this thought* before?

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