In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>you write:

nice, i just do rsh dump ...| restore
but then again, im still experimenting :-)

}and basically nothing else. The modified copies of files which
}have to replace the original ones in the root partition
}are taken from /conf/${IP} or /conf/${SUBNET} or /conf, where
}$IP and $SUBNET are the IP address and the local broadcast address
}of the first configured network interface. The code in /etc/rc.diskless1
}tries to find the longest match from the above.
}This lets you centralize the configurations, and yet have
}separate configuration files.

it's not centralized when you start replicating the root-fs.

}It helps a lot to have not just variable assignments in /etc/rc.conf
}(typically a "case" statement to do per-machine settings.)

i like that idea of /etc/rc.conf, one of the changes i did to rc.diskless1 was
that it sources /conf/default/etc/* first - i can't remember why :-(

        if [ -d /conf/default/etc ]; then        <---
              cp -Rp /conf/default/etc/* $1
        if [ -d /conf/${bootp_ipa} ] ; then
        elif [ -d /conf/${hostname} ] ; then      <-- 
              cp -Rp /conf/${hostname}/etc/* $1

now if I could just get /conf from some central repository ...

A tool to do some central management is dhcp, the problem there is that most of
the predefined tags are useless, and the ones needed are not easy to configure.
I managed to used dhcp to select what kernel to load.

Im also trying to set up a way to configure, say X11, and having the XF86Config
saved from the volatile /etc


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