Andrew Gallatin writes:
| Alfred Perlstein writes:
|  > So I've got this really elite machinery here to test on, problem is that
|  > booting takes about 2 minutes each time I make a bad kernel, soooo...
| Do you mean that vmware boots so slowly that the extra reboot cycle
| required to install the next test kernel is painfully slow?  
| One thing to try to speedup vmware boots would be getting rid of the
| spinner in libstand -- vwware's dos-mode console i/o is painfully
| slow.
| The best way to cut the reboot wait time down is to network boot.
| Unfortunately, VMware's AMD PCInet card doesn't support PXE.  Somebody
| here has been using something called "grub"
| ( 
| Grub doesn't support FreeBSD very well (eg, it can't set the root
| device, set hints, etc).  I think he was hacking grub to add those
| features, but I don't know how far he got...BTW, grub has no spinner.

Why not just use EtherBoot?
It's supports the AMD chip and works with vmware.  Use Julian 
nullmodem driver and connect up a serial console & kgdb session 
and you are all set.  Blow kernel chunks and just reset vmware and 
away you go.  I NFS mount the root filesystem.

Actually what I do since sometimes I work on drivers is netboot a 
slow lunch box machine of my laptop and if it dies just press 
reset and netboot it again.  I build the kernels on the laptop.

Another feature of Etherboot is the built in menu capability so you 
can select from a list of kernels.

BTW grub uses parts of Etherboot for their netbooting.  Ironically 
Etherboot started from FreeBSD's netboot to boot Linux and then 
I added FreeBSD back in.

If you want to try an Etherboot floppy image try
Just remember to go into Configure and enable 
You can select serial, vga or both consoles.  Then point vmware at the
floppy image and boot.

Doug A.

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