In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Dennis writes:
>Don't try to argue this ridiculous point on this list. You are badly 
>overmatched. You are so wrong that its not worthy of debate.

Which is presumably why you offered no arguments.

Actually, this is a fairly well-demonstrated result.  Anything that depends
mostly on the operation of, say, regexp code, and doesn't spend most of its
time doing flow control will be fairly comparable in C and perl.  Slower?
Quite possibly.  *much* slower?  Not normally.  I think the standing estimate
is that competently-written perl will take no more than three times as long as
carefully-written C for most perl-ish tasks.  Matrix multiplies are an obvious

In practice, perl is likely to beat C substantially on most
exrpession-matching code, because most C programmers write very inefficient
matching code, and perl is good at it.

(Go ahead, dismiss me as being unfairly biased against C.)


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