On Mon, May 07, 2001 at 10:52:47PM +0100, David Malone wrote:
> On Mon, May 07, 2001 at 04:20:05PM -0500, Bob Willcox wrote:
> > root@sebulba:p0 /root> ftp
> > ftp: socket: No buffer space available
> One possibility is that your process limits for sbsize are
> too low. You could check what it says in login.conf.
> (I note that our tcsh doesn't support sbsize as a limit...)
>       David.

My limits command says:

root@sebulba:p1 /usr/src/sys/i386/conf> limits
Resource limits (current):
  cputime          infinity secs
  filesize         infinity kb
  datasize           524288 kb
  stacksize           65536 kb
  coredumpsize     infinity kb
  memoryuse        infinity kb
  memorylocked     infinity kb
  maxprocesses         2067
  openfiles            4136
  sbsize           infinity bytes

So I would presume that it isn't the limiting factor.


Bob Willcox                 Living your life is a task so difficult,
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                it has never been attempted before.
Austin, TX                                  -- Unknown

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