Mike Silbersack <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Write caching is now off by default.  man ata to see how to turn it back
> on.

        Mr. Silbersack, thank you very much.  you've restored my
        systems to their pre-4.3 stunningly fast behavior.

        to the hackers group, i apologize for polluting the air waves with
        my original plea for help.

> <begin divergance>
> Seeing messages like this is becoming quite common on the lists since the
> change was made.  On the other hand, I don't recall seeing any message

        for my money, hw.ata.wc=1 soft updates OFF is a better performing
        choice than hw.ata.wc=0 and soft updates ON.
        (soft updates are great, but i really dislike the performance
        stalls that it (or async mode) engenders with big copies/etc
        for other processes).

        if the freebsd group still chooses to keep hw.ata.wc=0 as
        the default, i would urge perhaps a different mode for base
        system installs.  the reason i used '8192m' partition in
        my original mail was because the wait for a 60gig newfs was
        pretty painful.

        in my original message i made a reference to linux.
        i'm a die-hard freebsd fan, but for work reasons etc i take
        a look at linux from time to time.  in the same system that
        i mentioned originally, i've tried the experiment of powering
        off a machine (with no halt) after the first reboot after
        a virgin suse-7.1 install.  linux couldn't put itself back together
        without manual intervention - the fsck seemed to just freak.

        even with the historic hw.ata.wc=1 effective mode of freebsd-*,
        i've never seen such bad behavior as i had with the linux-7.1

        THANKS again to all you folks for the outstanding performance
        and reliability that freebsd attains.

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