On Fri, 25 May 2001, Terry Lambert wrote:

> So add an option to sysinstall called:
>       "Fast and at least as reliable as Linux"

I doubt FreeBSD would need to enable write caching in order
to be as fast as Linux (which doesn't have write caching
enabled in any distribution I'm aware of).  ;))

The hole VM / FS write clustering thing is an area where
Linux still has to catch up with FreeBSD (at least in
theory FreeBSD's subsystem here is much more advanced).

If, for some reason, FreeBSD _does_ turn out to be much
slower than Linux (which I doubt), chances are something
is just tuned wrong. All code I've seen indicates that
Linux should be lagging FreeBSD in this area...

(and no, reiser doesn't really count since it's not all
that reliable yet ... like Matt wrote, it has a long way
to go until it reaches reliability)


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