On Fri, Jun 15, 2001 at 12:37:35AM -0700, Terry Lambert wrote:

> The thing that pisses me off most about the use of pid
> files is that on any border device, you are generally
> going to run at least two DNS servers (interior, exterior),
> and will probably run two SMTP servers, and even two HTTP
> servers and two inetd's.
> Putting everything in /var/run under the name of the
> program gets to be dirt stupid real fast...

As currently done, sure. But I don't see any huge obstacles in the
way of extending the rc.d scripts to handle multiple invocations of
a daemon, and keep track of them. Something similar to how multiple
interfaces are configured would work, and a simple extension of 
${DAEMIN}.pid would suffice for tracking them.  If that gets too
messy for you, then you probably have a custom setup anyway, and
will be rolling your own.

[EMAIL PROTECTED]  _________________________________________________
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 "And in billows of might swell the Saxons before her,-- Unite, oh
 unite!  Or the billows burst o'er her!" -- Downfall of the Gael

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