On Fri, 22 Jun 2001, Farooq Mela wrote:

> Hi -hackers,
> Several people have made it known to me that games such as Quake2
> which ran fine with sound under the 4.2 kernel are not able to have
> sound in 4.3.  I have verified this myself - with quake2 under 4.3
> ktrace reports that opening /dev/dsp fails with EBUSY - even though
> nothing is using /dev/dsp and other programs are able to open it and
> play sound just fine immediately afterwards.  Under 4.2 on the same
> machine, open()ing /dev/dsp is successful and sound functions. 
> Figuring out what's going wrong is further complicated by the fact
> that these are linux binaries and run under the linux emulator.  Could
> it be the linux emulator messing something up, and not the sound card?
> Since this is an issue of the userland's interface to the sound driver
> and is not concerned with sound driver internals or driving a specific
> card (since this problem occurs regardless of sound card), I thought I
> might try and see if could fix the problem.  I've not done any kernel
> programming before, but I'd like to get my feet wet and this seems
> like a relatively small project.  Any pointers as to where to start? 
> Anybody else run into similar problems and try to see what is going
> wrong?

Are you running gnome desktop? I've been thrashing with esd and it sounds
somewhat similar. lsof reports that /dev/dsp is not open to any process,
but if you try to run timidity, it says "/dev/dsp busy". I have killed esd
and made it work, but not always. I don't know what that my mean.

-Jim Durham

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