On Wed, Jun 13, 2001 at 04:07:16AM +0900, Hajimu UMEMOTO wrote:
> I like your idea.
> I'm serving tunnel broker using DTCP (Dynamic Tunnel Configuration
> Protocol) in our ISP.  So, I'm grad if we have dynamic gif creation,
> too.

Ok, after a week and a half of doing other things, I've got a patch
together which adds interface cloning based on NetBSD's code.  The
difference is that you may pass an interface of the from gif# if you
don't need a specific number.  The ioctl now returns a potentialy
modified ifreq which contains the new interface name.  This changes the
way drivers implement cloning in that they may return a different unit
then they were passed and they must do their own resource management
rather then relying on the clone functionality in sys/net/if.c to do it
for them.

The patch is at:


The patch can be applied as follows (you need to make the directories):

cd /usr/src
mkdir sys/modules/if_gif sys/modules/if_stf
patch < /tmp/gif.diff

The patch does the following:
- adds interface cloning support to the kernel
- adds interface cloning support to ifconfig
- makes gif clonable
- makes gif usable as a module
- removes the need for NGIF and gif.h
- removes va_args usage in in_gif_input to remove a warning
- removes gif dependencies from stf
- makes stf usable as a module

-- Brooks

Any statement of the form "X is the one, true Y" is FALSE.
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